I give my permission for my child, or ward to participate in the above workshop, and release Orchestra North Summer Program and its partner organizations (Harmony Centre Owen Sound, Georgian Bay Symphony, Orchestra North, Sweetwater Music Festival, Community Foundation Grey Bruce, and all other partner groups and organizations) from any liability or claims when they so act. I assume full responsibility for my actions, my musical instruments/equipment, and/or the actions of my son, daughter, or ward while participating in this workshop.
I allow Orchestra North and it’s partner organizations (Harmony Centre Owen Sound, Georgian Bay Symphony, Orchestra North, Sweetwater Music Festival, Community Foundation Grey Bruce, and their affiliates) to use photographs, as well as video and audio recordings taken during the festival to be used for publicity, media, archival, advertising, fundraising, social media, any other purposes that the above groups may choose. I understand that Orchestra North reserves the right to change faculty and programming without notice.